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Pain Management Documentation, Coverage & Compliance

Due to the increased scrutiny on ACFI pain management claims, it’s never been more important to have systems in place which ensure compliance. 

Every Guide Pain Management program is implemented by an experienced aged care clinician. Relevant documentation can be completed using your computer-based documentation system or with our paper-based tools.

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The completion of a validation pain assessment measuring the intensity of the resident’s pain experience. The assessment used should be adjusted according to the resident’s communication and cognitive capacity.

The completion of a validation pain assessment measuring the intensity of the resident’s pain experience. The assessment used should be adjusted according to the resident’s communication and cognitive capacity.

An appropriate directive in place completed by an Allied Health Professional that represents the treatment type, frequency and location.

An appropriate directive in place completed by an Allied Health Professional that represents the treatment type, frequency and location.

Ongoing treatment records specify the treating clinician, treatment provided, pain site, duration of treatment and the outcome of the treatment. 

Ongoing treatment records specify the treating clinician, treatment provided, pain site, duration of treatment and the outcome of the treatment. 

Regular reviews of the resident to ensure the ongoing appropriateness and effectiveness of the treatments delivered.

Regular reviews of the resident to ensure the ongoing appropriateness and effectiveness of the treatments delivered.

Every Guide clinician is given comprehensive training on the Aged Care Funding Instrument, focusing on the requirements of pain management claims and how to ensure compliance.

We ensure that our teams are confident in self-auditing and how to manage the process of on-site validations.

Guide establish a weekly reporting system at each home, requiring on-site clinicians to send key compliance-based statistics to our head office management team. This information is reviewed and then used to complete regular on-site audits. Our management team are experts at maintaining pain management claims, identifying the relevant requirements of each claim and reviewing for potential gaps in documentation.

Guide Healthcare guarantee coverage of all required hours to ensure ACFI compliance. We also offer on-site support during ACFI validation audits. 

Contact us.

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02 9663 0387